
Showing posts from December, 2017

How should users of a library interact with the Administration

The front door of Central branch at 828 I. Street, Sacramento. People who use the 3rd Floor at the Central branch of the Sacramento Public Library are an interesting group of folks. Many of the users are homeless, as is well known within the building at 828 I Street in Sacramento. There was a time -- a year or two ago -- when it seemed that the administration at Central was endeavoring to get rid of homeless people who utilized the library branch. Indeed, it's very possible that being rid of homeless people at Central remains as a goal of Top Administrators of SPL. A very significant portion of the furniture on the 3rd Floor disappeared during that long-ago December, while rather-useless large pieces of wooden furniture that contained index-card files were put in place on the floor. It remains the case, today, that big, non-purposeful index-card files fill a significant portion of the space on the 3rd Floor. I should add that for us tall persons, the index-card files D