Introducing The Third Floor Report

Hey, y'all! Tom Armstrong, here. I have set up this website to report on and for all of us to discuss happenings on the Third Floor at Central Branch of the Sacramento Public Library system.

Why is it necessary for this particular floor in this particular library building to get this added boost of attention? I think there are several reasons and I am hopeful that we will be digging in to the subjects very soon.

An important thing I want to say to the librarians, administrators and Board of Central/SPL is that they needn't be fearful. While there are likely to be some matters of complaint coming forth from this blog, there is certain to be a great deal of appreciation coming from users of the Third Floor for the many highly-capable employees at Central who stir the cauldron to make things happen, and create programs and events that inform and teach.

Likely, too, this blog can be helpful in bringing forward ideas from users of Central's third floor -- and users of the library, generally -- about programs, events, and policies we'd like to see in place.

A good time is guaranteed for all! Umm. About the first sentence in this paragraph: It's actually not true that the "good time" thing is guaranteed.

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! Much more-complicated and interesting blogposts with especially curious matters and oddities will be featured in the days ahead. Hang on to your hats!

-- Tom Armstrong


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